Now I will discuss about, how we can transfer a large file (file size in GB) using Microsoft dot net socket programming using C# (C sharp) language. This code has written in Visual Studio 2005 (dot net 2).
Source Code
Basic Knowledge
To cover this article you need to read my few articles, these are –
1. Asynchronous Socket Server Programming for Beginner
2. Asynchronous Socket Client Programming for Beginner
3. File Transfer using C# Socket Programming
4. Split and Assemble large file (around 2GB) in C# dot net Programming
The basic code has covered in these article and that article basically comes by assembled these four. To transfer a large file from Client to Server I’ve followed these basic steps-
1) First read the file (slice wise) and store a slice data in a buffer (byte array). How a file can read slice wise, it has covered in my 4th article (Split and Assemble large file (around 2GB) in C#) in file split section. It’s required because TCP buffer is limited so if we try to send a large data then we will get TCP buffer overflow error.
2) Send these buffered data to server using TCP socket object. How it can be done, has covered in 3rd article (File Transfer using C# Socket programming). And for basic idea you can read article 1 & 2.
3) In server side when we starts to receive sliced data from client then we write these data in a file. How this can be done has covered in article 4 (Split and Assemble large file (around 2GB) in ), in file assemble section.
To receive file from Server to Client same process is applicable, just then server sends data by sliced and receive by Client in same way.
How to use DLL
In my code I have made these two functionality (server and client) in two separate class library (DLL file). By calling these two libraries (DLL file) any one can transfer data very easily. To do it need to follow these steps -
Step 1: Create Object
To use these dll to transfer data you need to create one client and one server object.
For client object -
SynchronusClient_ByteArr objClient = new SynchronusClient_ByteArr ("","localhost", @"C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\UserData");
First argument for client id, if you keep it blank string then also ok, but when you use dll for multiple client (sender) to transfer multiple file to multiple client (receiver) then it’s mandatory. Otherwise file may goes to all user or different user. Next argument for server IP, and next for a temporary back up path, it’s require at file receive time from server.
Here and one more constructor with more argument there you can assign port no etc. Here default port is 8000 and 8001.
For Server object –
SyncSocketServerMulClient servObj = new SyncSocketServerMulClient();
If you use this code then server will load it’s default configuration, like port 8000 and 8001 and it’s default path to C: Other wise you can call overloaded method.
Step 2: Method & Properties
For server and client has some method which you need to call.
Client methods and properties are –
Picture 1 Picture 2
Picture 1 for Method and events of client object and Picture 2 for method and property of client class.
Hope from pic 1 you can understand everything very easily and from pic 2 also clear from it’s name. For ‘status’, it holds current status of client like, slicing data, sending data, receiving data etc and ‘progress’ it holds current % of data transfer currently done.
Server methods and properties are –
Picture 3 Picture 4
For pic 3 hope everything clear to you. But my comments here is, when you call start server then server starts and stays active as long as you call stop server. After call start server you can’t call it again before stop server call.
From pic 4 ‘bufferSize’ is for declare byte array length, you can define it as your self, ‘maxClientReceived’ for how many client can send or receive data at a time.
By using this code I’ve developed few large application, like text chat with smiles, file transfer, picture transfer, online drawing etc. Hope you will get a great experience by that code.
Download link
You can download source code from these two links-
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.IO;
namespace ServerSockets.Synchronous.UsingByteArray
/// That server code will run to access multiple client requrest and response. Here will not any
/// Un-zip and Decript technology. Server will save all data in Encripted-Zipped form which will
/// sent by Client.
public class SyncSocketServerMulClient
public static bool isServerRunning=false;
public static int receivePort,sendPort, maxClientReceived, bufferSize;
//public static int progress=0 ;
public string outPath ;
public static string status="",presentOperation = "";
public string currentStatus = "";
public SyncSocketServerMulClient(int receivePort,int sendPort,int maxClient, string outPutPath)
SyncSocketServerMulClient.receivePort = receivePort;
SyncSocketServerMulClient.sendPort = sendPort;
SyncSocketServerMulClient.bufferSize = 10 * 1024;
SyncSocketServerMulClient.maxClientReceived = maxClient;
outPutPath = outPutPath.Replace("\\", "/");
if (outPutPath.Substring(outPutPath.Length - 1) != "/")
outPutPath += "/";
this.outPath = outPutPath;
SyncSocketServerMulClient.status = "";
//SyncSocketServerMulClient.progress = 0;
SyncSocketServerMulClient.presentOperation = "";
/// Default sets Receive Port:8080, Send Port:8081, Buffer Size:10KB, Max Client:100 and Out path: C:\
public SyncSocketServerMulClient()
SyncSocketServerMulClient.receivePort = 8080;
SyncSocketServerMulClient.sendPort = 8081;
SyncSocketServerMulClient.bufferSize = 10 * 1024;
SyncSocketServerMulClient.maxClientReceived = 100;
this.outPath = "c:/";
SyncSocketServerMulClient.status = "";
//SyncSocketServerMulClient.progress = 0;
SyncSocketServerMulClient.presentOperation = "";
Thread threadReceiveServer, threadSendServer;
private void StartReceiveServer()
SyncSocketServerMulClient.isServerRunning = true;
threadReceiveServer = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.StartReceiveServerThread));
private void StopReceiveServer()
SyncSocketServerMulClient.isServerRunning = false;
IPAddress[] ipAddress = Dns.GetHostAddresses("localhost");
IPEndPoint ipEnd = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress[0], SyncSocketServerMulClient.receivePort);
Socket clientSock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.IP);
string strData = "END";
byte[] clientData = new byte[30];
clientData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strData);
//byte[] serverData = new byte[10];
//int len = clientSock.Receive(serverData);
//Console.WriteLine(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(serverData, 0, len));
catch (Exception ex)
Socket receiveSock,sendSock;
IPEndPoint ipEndReceive, ipEndSend;
private void StartReceiveServerThread()
ipEndReceive = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, SyncSocketServerMulClient.receivePort);
receiveSock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.IP);
SyncSocketServerMulClient.isServerRunning = true;
Console.WriteLine("Waiting for new client connection");
while (SyncSocketServerMulClient.isServerRunning)
Socket clientSock;
clientSock = receiveSock.Accept();
SyncSocketServerMulClient serObj = new SyncSocketServerMulClient(SyncSocketServerMulClient.receivePort, SyncSocketServerMulClient.sendPort, SyncSocketServerMulClient.bufferSize, this.outPath);
Thread newClient = new Thread(serObj.ReadDataFromClient);
private void ReadDataFromClient(object clientObject)
Socket clientSock = null;
BinaryWriter bWriter=null;
string fileName = "";
SyncSocketServerMulClient.status = "";
SyncSocketServerMulClient.presentOperation = "";
clientSock = (Socket)clientObject;
bool flag = true;
Console.WriteLine("New connection estublished. Socket {0}", clientSock.GetHashCode());
int totalDataLen, receivedLen, fileNameLen, fileContentStartIndex;
byte[] data = new byte[bufferSize];
currentStatus =presentOperation = "Data Receiving";
int len = clientSock.Receive(data);
if (len == 0)
if (len == 3)
string clientData = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data);
if (clientData.Substring(0, len) == "END")
totalDataLen = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0);
fileNameLen = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 4);
fileName = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 8, fileNameLen);
fileContentStartIndex = 4 + 4 + fileNameLen;
receivedLen = len - fileContentStartIndex;
if (File.Exists(outPath + fileName))
File.Delete(outPath + fileName);
bWriter = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(outPath + fileName, FileMode.Append));
bWriter.Write(data, 0, len);
while (true)
if (receivedLen < len =" clientSock.Receive(data);" currentstatus ="presentOperation" currentstatus =" presentOperation" clientinfodata =" new" clientinfodata =" Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(" status = "Access Denied by server end." status = "Address Already In Use." status = "Address Not Available." status = "Connection aborted by server." status = "Connection refused by server." status = "Connection Reset." status = "Destination Address Required." status = "Disconnecting." status = "Target Host is Down." status = "Target Host Not Found." status = "Target Host Unreachable." status = "In Progress." status = "Interrupted." status = "Invalid Argument." status = "Network Down." status = "Network Reset." status = "Network Unreachable." status = "No Buffer Space Available." status = "No Data." status = "Not Connected." status = "Not Initialized." status = "Not Socket." status = "Operation Aborted." status = "Socket already Shutdown." status = "Too Many Open Sockets." status = "Too Many Open Sockets." status = "Have some unknown problem in Socket." isserverrunning =" true;" threadsendserver =" new" ipendsend =" new" sendsock =" new" isserverrunning =" true;" clientsock =" sendSock.Accept();" serobj =" new" newclient =" new" clientsocket="(Socket)clientObject;" filenamewithpath = "" breader =" null;" status = "" clientdata =" new" clientdatalen =" clientSocket.Receive(clientData);" clientdatalen ="=" clientdatalen ="=" clientdatastr =" Encoding.ASCII.GetString(clientData);" clientidlen =" BitConverter.ToInt32(clientData," filenamelen=" BitConverter.ToInt32(clientData," clientid =" Encoding.ASCII.GetString(clientData," filename =" Encoding.ASCII.GetString(clientData," copiedfilename =" clientId" filenamewithpath =" this.outPath;" filenamewithpath =" fileNameWithPath.Replace(" length ="=" currentstatus =" presentOperation" breader =" new" data =" new" sentdatasize =" (int)bReader.BaseStream.Length;" data =" new" sentdatasize =" bufferSize;" totalsentdataslot =" 1;" totaldatasize =" (int)bReader.BaseStream.Length;" progress =" (int)(((float)sentDataSize" progress =" (int)(((float)sentDataSize" enddata =" new" sentdatasize =" (int)bReader.BaseStream.Length;" progress =" (int)(((float)sentDataSize" currentstatus =" presentOperation" strfleerr = "ERROR" tempfleerrarr =" Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strFleErr);" currentstatus =" presentOperation" status = "Access Denied by server end." status = "Address Already In Use." status = "Address Not Available." status = "Connection aborted by server." status = "Connection refused by server." status = "Connection Reset." status = "Destination Address Required." status = "Disconnecting." status = "Target Host is Down." status = "Target Host Not Found." status = "Target Host Unreachable." status = "In Progress." status = "Interrupted." status = "Invalid Argument." status = "Network Down." status = "Network Reset." status = "Network Unreachable." status = "No Buffer Space Available." status = "No Data." status = "Not Connected." status = "Not Initialized." status = "Not Socket." status = "Operation Aborted." status = "Socket already Shutdown." status = "Too Many Open Sockets." status = "Too Many Open Sockets." status = "Have some unknown problem in Socket." status =" ex.Message;" isserverrunning =" false;" ipaddress =" Dns.GetHostAddresses(" ipend =" new" clientsock =" new" strdata = "END" clientdata =" new" clientdata =" Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strData);" serverdata =" new" len =" clientSock.Receive(serverData);" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 255);" size="4">Client Code is here:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace ClientSockets.Synchronous.UsingByteArray // SyncScoketClient_ByteArr_Dll
/// Client open a syncronous socket and send file to server, here asynchronous mode becomes by
/// Threading, and here uses Byte Array to transfer data.
public class SynchronusClient_ByteArr
public delegate void FileSendCompletedDelegate();
public event FileSendCompletedDelegate FileSendCompleted, FileReceiveCompleted;
public static int progress = 0, portSend, portReceive;
int bufferSize;
public static string status = "", presentOperation = "", ipAddress, outPathDefault = "";
private static string outPathUserSelected = "";
string clientId = "";
string fileNameWithPath;
public static bool isSaveToDefaultPath = false;
static int totalSentDataSlot;
public SynchronusClient_ByteArr(string clientId, string ipAddress, int sendPort, int receivePort, string DefaultPath)
this.clientId = clientId;
SynchronusClient_ByteArr.ipAddress = ipAddress;
SynchronusClient_ByteArr.portSend = sendPort;
SynchronusClient_ByteArr.portReceive = receivePort;
SynchronusClient_ByteArr.outPathDefault = DefaultPath;
this.bufferSize = 10 * 1024;
/// Conestructor of Client Object
public SynchronusClient_ByteArr(string clientId, string ipAddress, string DefaultPath)
this.clientId = clientId;
outPathDefault = DefaultPath;
SynchronusClient_ByteArr.ipAddress = ipAddress;
SynchronusClient_ByteArr.portSend = 8080;
SynchronusClient_ByteArr.portReceive = 8081;
this.bufferSize = 10 * 1024;
Thread startFileTransferThread, startFileReceiveThread;
public string SendFileToServer( string senderId, string receiverId)
string newFileName, onlyFileName, path;
//Select a File to transfer
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
if (ofd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
return "Cancelled by user";
string fileNameWithPath = ofd.FileName;
fileNameWithPath = fileNameWithPath.Replace("\\", "/");
onlyFileName = fileNameWithPath;
path = "";
while (onlyFileName.IndexOf("/") != -1)
path += onlyFileName.Substring(0, onlyFileName.IndexOf("/")) + "/";
onlyFileName = onlyFileName.Substring(onlyFileName.IndexOf("/") + 1);
newFileName = senderId + "#" + onlyFileName;
//File.Copy(fileNameWithPath, path + "/" + newFileName,true);
//File.SetAttributes(path + "/" + newFileName, FileAttributes.Hidden);
string bothName = fileNameWithPath + "?" + path + "/" + newFileName;
startFileTransferThread = new Thread(this.SendFileToServerByThread);
//Only file name
int k = newFileName.Length - 1;
while (newFileName.Substring(k, 1) != ".")
newFileName = newFileName.Substring(0, k);
newFileName = newFileName + ".sjb";
return newFileName;
private void SendFileToServerByThread(object fileNameWithPathObj)
Socket server = null;
BinaryReader bReader = null;
string newFileName = "";
string oldFileName, bothFileName;
bothFileName = fileNameWithPathObj.ToString();
oldFileName = bothFileName.Substring(0, bothFileName.IndexOf("?"));
newFileName = bothFileName.Substring(bothFileName.IndexOf("?") + 1);
string filePath = "", tempFileName = oldFileName;
while (tempFileName.IndexOf("/") != -1)
filePath += tempFileName.Substring(0, tempFileName.IndexOf("/") + 1);
tempFileName = tempFileName.Substring(tempFileName.IndexOf("/") + 1);
if (File.Exists(newFileName))
File.Copy(oldFileName, newFileName, true);
File.SetAttributes(newFileName, FileAttributes.Hidden);
status = "";
this.fileNameWithPath = newFileName;
//presentOperation = "Data Compressing";
//this.fileNameWithPath = ZipUnzip.LZO_Algorithm.LZO.Compress(this.fileNameWithPath);
//File.SetAttributes(filePath + this.fileNameWithPath, FileAttributes.Hidden);
if (this.fileNameWithPath.Length == 0)
this.fileNameWithPath = filePath + tempFileName;// this.fileNameWithPath;
presentOperation = "Data Sending";
IPAddress[] serverIp = Dns.GetHostAddresses(SynchronusClient_ByteArr.ipAddress);
IPEndPoint ipEnd = new IPEndPoint(serverIp[0], SynchronusClient_ByteArr.portSend);
server = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.IP);
int sentDataSize;
byte[] data;// = new byte[bufferSize];
bReader = new BinaryReader(File.Open(fileNameWithPath, FileMode.Open));
if (bReader.BaseStream.Length <= bufferSize) { data = new byte[bReader.BaseStream.Length]; bReader.Read(data, 0, (int)bReader.BaseStream.Length); sentDataSize = (int)bReader.BaseStream.Length; } else { data = new byte[bufferSize]; bReader.Read(data, 0, bufferSize); sentDataSize = bufferSize; } string onlyFileName; fileNameWithPath = fileNameWithPath.Replace("\\", "/"); onlyFileName = fileNameWithPath; while (onlyFileName.IndexOf("/") != -1) onlyFileName = onlyFileName.Substring(onlyFileName.IndexOf("/") + 1); //DATA FORMAT: [FILE SIZE LEN INFO[0-3]][FILE NAME LEN INFO[4-7]][FILE NAME DATA][FILE CONTENT] byte[] dataLenBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((int)bReader.BaseStream.Length); byte[] fileNameLenBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(onlyFileName.Length); byte[] fileNameBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(onlyFileName); byte[] allData = new byte[8 + fileNameBytes.Length + data.Length]; //MAKE FIRST PACKET TO SERVER WITH FILE SIZE & FILE NAME dataLenBytes.CopyTo(allData, 0); fileNameLenBytes.CopyTo(allData, 4); fileNameBytes.CopyTo(allData, 8); data.CopyTo(allData, 8 + fileNameBytes.Length); //SEND FIRST PACKET TO SERVER server.Send(allData); totalSentDataSlot = 1; int totalDataSize = (int)bReader.BaseStream.Length; progress = (int)(((float)sentDataSize / totalDataSize) * 100); while (sentDataSize < progress =" (int)(((float)sentDataSize" enddata =" new" sentdatasize =" (int)bReader.BaseStream.Length;" progress =" (int)(((float)sentDataSize" receivedata =" new" recvlen =" server.Receive(receiveData);" presentoperation = "Data Sending Completed" status = "Access Denied by server end." status = "Address Already In Use." status = "Address Not Available." status = "Connection aborted by server." status = "Connection refused by server." status = "Connection Reset." status = "Destination Address Required." status = "Disconnecting." status = "Target Host is Down." status = "Target Host Not Found." status = "Target Host Unreachable." status = "In Progress." status = "Interrupted." status = "Invalid Argument." status = "Network Down." status = "Network Reset." status = "Network Unreachable." status = "No Buffer Space Available." status = "No Data." status = "Not Connected." status = "Not Initialized." status = "Not Socket." status = "Operation Aborted." status = "Socket already Shutdown." status = "Too Many Open Sockets." status = "Too Many Open Sockets." status = "Have some unknown problem in Socket." status =" ex.Message;" fbd =" new" outpathuserselected =" fbd.SelectedPath;" startfilereceivethread =" new" outpathuserselected =" ReceivePath;" startfilereceivethread =" new" server =" null;" bwriter =" null;" rcvfilename = "" filename = "" status = "" onlyfilename =" onlyFileNameObj.ToString();" presentoperation = "Data Compressing" length ="=" clientid =" DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();" clientidlenbytes =" BitConverter.GetBytes(clientId.Length);" clientidbytes =" Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(clientId);" filenamelenbytes =" BitConverter.GetBytes(onlyFileName.Length);" filenamebytes =" Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(onlyFileName);" alldata =" new" presentoperation = "Data Sending" serverip =" Dns.GetHostAddresses(SynchronusClient_ByteArr.ipAddress);" ipend =" new" server =" new" status = "" progress =" 0;" presentoperation = "" server =" (Socket)clientObject;" flag =" true;" data =" new" presentoperation = "Data Receiving" len =" server.Receive(data);" len ="=" strtemp =" Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data," strtemp ="=" status = "File yet not sent by Sender" presentoperation = "Data Receiving Not Started" progress =" 0;" totaldatalen =" BitConverter.ToInt32(data," filenamelen =" BitConverter.ToInt32(data," filename =" Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data," filecontentstartindex =" 4" receivedlen =" len;//" outpathdefault =" outPathDefault.Replace(" outpathuserselected =" outPathUserSelected.Replace(" fbd =" new" bwriter =" new" bwriter =" new" bwriter =" new" progress =" (int)(((float)receivedLen" len =" server.Receive(data);" val =" (float)receivedLen" progress =" (int)(((float)receivedLen" presentoperation = "Data Decompressing" rcvfilename =" ZipUnzip.LZO_Algorithm.LZO.Decompress(outPathDefault" rcvfilename =" ZipUnzip.LZO_Algorithm.LZO.Decompress(outPathUserSelected" orgfilename =" rcvFileName=" orgfilename =" orgFileName.Substring(orgFileName.IndexOf(" isserverrunning =" false;" presentoperation = "Data Receiving Completed" progress =" 100;" status = "Access Denied by server end." status = "Address Already In Use." status = "Address Not Available." status = "Connection aborted by server." status = "Connection refused by server." status = "Connection Reset." status = "Destination Address Required." status = "Disconnecting." status = "Target Host is Down." status = "Target Host Not Found." status = "Target Host Unreachable." status = "In Progress." status = "Interrupted." status = "Invalid Argument." status = "Network Down." status = "Network Reset." status = "Network Unreachable." status = "No Buffer Space Available." status = "No Data." status = "Not Connected." status = "Not Initialized." status = "Not Socket." status = "Operation Aborted." status = "Socket already Shutdown." status = "Too Many Open Sockets." status = "Too Many Open Sockets." status = "Have some unknown problem in Socket." status =" ex.Message;" style="">